Wednesday, February 6, 2008

As Romney Falters in Republican Race, Huckabee’s Drive Gathers Momentum

This article is about the challenges facing Mitt Romney in his bid for the Republican presidential nomination including the simple delegate math which makes his journey particularly precarious at this point. Another problem biting at his heels goes by the name of Mike Huckabee, who is finally gaining momentum in the presidential primaries. Instead of dropping out like some had hoped, Huckabee asserted Tuesday that the votes had narrowed down the contest to two people and he was definitely still in it, saying, “Tonight, we’re proving we’re still on our feet, and much to the amazement of many, we’re getting there.” He also dashed any hope that Romney supporters might have had of him withdrawing from the race by saying, “As long as there are still votes and delegates, there’s going to be one guy answering the bell every time there’s a new round.” Even though the road to the white house still looks rough for Huckabee, his continued presence in the race has made Romney’s path look much harder and has drawn away vital votes that Romney was counting on to beat McCain. Still Romney’s camp is saying that Huckabee’s presence “Hasn’t stopped him, it’s just drawn out the primary calendar.” I think this article is worth reading because it shows what’s going on in both of the conservative Republican camps right now. I think anyone who is going to be voting should keep up with what’s going on during the primaries so they have a good idea who they support and why.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

New York Giants Defeat New England Patriots For Superbowl Win!